Charles de Dampierre

AI | Machine Learning | Internet | Cognitive Science | Social Science | Exploration Engine


Institut Jean Nicod

29 rue d'Ulm

75005 Paris, France

I am a Phd Student at ENS Paris in Computational Social Science & a former Research Engineer at SciencePo Medialab. I am mostly interested in understanding how LLMs are trained and what data are used to do so. I have a background in Business, Cognitive Science & Social Science. Some of my work is also about quantitative history and the different methods to estimate standards of livings in the past.

I created Bunka an Exploration Engine which goal is to better visualise and explore the trainign datasets of AI.

Feel free to contact me at the following address:


Jun 10, 2022 The Bunka Project received funding by the National Center for Scientific Research

selected publications

  1. PsyArxiv
    Exploratory preferences explain the cultural success of imaginary worlds in modern societies
    Edgar Dubourg, Valentin Thouzeau, Charles de Dampierre, and 1 more author
    Feb 2021
  2. In Prep
    The shape of history: Quanfying dynamics of pre-modern civilizations using Wikipedia & Wikidata
    Charles Dampierre, Valentin Thouzeau, and Nicolas Baumard
    Feb 2023
  3. In Prep
    Contribution of a research team (médialab-CEE-LISIS) to the Report on the fight against racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia 2020 of the French Human Right Institute
    Charles Dampierre, Andrei Mogoutov, Benjamin Tainturier, and 4 more authors
    Feb 2021